Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Penis Eating Rat

SDIN, now with more penis eating animals than ever before! Uh. :(

A pneumonia patient is alleged to have bled to death after rats nibbled off his penis in a government-run hospital in Kolkata, reported local media.

The horrific incident happened at the SSKM Hospital on Friday where Arun Sandhukh, 53, was seeking treatment for pneumonia, reported the Asian Age newspaper.

The hospital authorities admitted the prevalent of rat menace in the wards but did not comment further.

“No nurse was found at the scene and he was writhing in pain. His penis had been nibbled by rats,” the victim’s relative only known as Bishwanath told the media.

Only family members who came to visit Arun discovered him dead in a pool of blood, said the news report.


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