Monday, June 25, 2012

Chick Burglar Cooks Breakfast Nude

Police say a Newcomb Place homeowner got a surprise Thursday morning when she returned to her apartment to find a naked woman cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
Cops later identified the uninhibited intruder as 22-year-old Katherine Lee Ferguson of 12 Old Beach Road, Manomet, a village of Plymouth.
Police allege Ferguson and a male friend, identified as 24-year-old Kyle Timmons of Taunton, knew the homeowner was away for the night when they forced open two rear doors to let themselves in.
TPD Patrolman Jeffrey Arruda reports that after getting the call at 10:30 a.m. to respond to a breaking and entering at 2 Newcomb Place, he recognized it as a building that recently had been burglarized.
He also observed a young man running from the building with an older man wielding a hammer in hot pursuit.

Police also note that when detective Michael Bonenfant arrived on scene the by-then clothed Ferguson was wearing a dress and was in possession of a ring and watch, all of which belonged to the homeowner.

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