Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Walmart Madness #17! Pretty Money Stolen

<-- No, not the Pretty Money group.

Walmart loss prevention officers believe the two women sought in connection with a June 9 theft at the Hamilton Mill Walmart are part of a group believed responsible for a series of similar crimes which have taken place along the Eastern seaboard from Virginia to Florida.
Gwinnett County Police were called to the Sardis Church Road store after a manager discovered $841 missing from one of the registers. Loss prevention officers reviewed video surveillance footage and noticed two women making a purchase at the register in question. The video showed one of the women reaching into the cash drawer and removing money on two separate occasions during the transaction. The woman would then return some of the money to the clerk while pocketing the rest.
The clerk was not available for questioning while police were at the scene, but the store manager said the clerk explained that one of the two women had “mentioned something about the bills being very pretty and she wanted to look at them because money was boring looking where she came from.” The clerk indicated both women had Eastern European accents. According to the manager, the clerk “did not think anything of the incident at first.”


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