Monday, July 9, 2012

Airport X-ray Finds Baby In Luggage

<--- Baby on board!

A married couple were denied entry into the UAE on Friday, when airport security officials spotted a five-month-old baby hidden in their luggage during a routine bag scan.
The Egyptian couple arrived at Sharjah International Airport with their new born hidden in their luggage as they did not have a visa for the baby.
They hid the child in a bag before putting him though a luggage scanner, and were quickly stopped when officials spotted the infant.
‘They were risking the life of the baby’ said a Sharjah Police spokesman.

The desperate couple were arrested at the airport and charged with endangering the baby’s life. The pair had previously lived in the United Arab Emirates as illegal immigrants, but left when the wife became pregnant and wanted to give birth in their native Egypt.
It is not known how the child was put on the aircraft without a passport.


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