Thursday, October 25, 2012

Execution By Mortar!

A North Korean army minister was executed with a mortar round for reportedly drinking and carousing during the official mourning period after Kim Jong-il's death. 


Kim Chol was apparently reduced to a smoking grease-spot in January, and news of this particularly graphic execution only emerged now. The execution was part of current North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's reported purge of offending military officials in an effort to prove his authority after his father's death.
The Chosun Ilbo reported that Kim Jong Un requested that “no trace of him behind, down to his hair," of Kim Chol.

Read more HERE


  1. I bet the North Koreans would have a blast watching Star Wars. They'd cheer every time Vader offs someone. lol

    Takes a certain amount of crazy to want to see a man totally obliterated.

  2. We will be hearing more about this "Regime" soon enough I'm sure.

  3. ^ I just hope the same courtesy could be given to me. ;)
