Sunday, December 23, 2012

Drunk Santa Smashes Into Cop Car

Ho Ho Oh No!

     Not only did he hit a cop car,  this will be his fourth drunk driving arrest.

     "A sheriff’s deputy was sitting in an unmarked sheriff’s sport utility vehicle while directing traffic on County Highway K in the town of Westport when he was rear-ended. The deputy suffered minor injuries. Officials say the motorist who was dressed as Santa Claus was returning from a holiday party at the American Legion in Westport."

Read more HERE


  1. Merry Christmas David ! :) Best wishes,


  2. If he worked all the time, he must be thirsty. And when he is thirsty, he have do drink much beer, because beer is good, when someone is thirsty. It´s soooo simple! ;o)

  3. Merry Christmas To you Sonia!

    @Octapolis. Sure, but he should have stuck to water and magic dust for a while. :)

  4. A belated "Merry Christmas" good Sir... I always enjoy your News posts... some are very funny...
    your good "fiend" and follower ... the Doctor

  5. Thanks Doc! I try to keep the stories light and ironic, but it all depends on my mood. Hell, there have been times that I've searched almost all day for stories and have posted nothing!
