Saturday, December 22, 2012

Walmart Madness #56! Tied And Blindfolded Children - Followup Story

 Aldofo and Deborah Gomez

      I first blogged this story on June 15, 2012 [ ] about the two blindfolded and tied up children found in a Lawrence Kansas Walmart parking lot.  The parents have been in jail since then and have recently entered a plea of "no contest" to the charges against them.  The children have been safe in protective custody.

     "Adolfo Gomez is scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 8. His lawyer and prosecutors said they would recommend he be sentenced to 30 months in prison.
"I think the recommendations that are on the record are a fair and equitable resolution," Gomez's attorney, Skip Griffey, said after the hearing.
     Prosecutors recommended that Deborah Gomez be sentenced to a year of probation. Her lawyer, Angela Keck, said Gomez decided to plead no contest because she did not want her children to have to testify.
     "She wanted to make sure her kids didn't have to go through the trauma" of a trial, Keck said earlier this month."

Read the whole story HERE

And don't miss the original story HERE

Read more here:


  1. Like she's really worried about traumatizing her kids. i'm sure other "traumas" would probably leak out if they did testify.

    i read the original story, but i still don't understand why they were blindfolded...

  2. The statement about her being worried of trauma to her kids got to me too, a little to late to care lady.
