Monday, January 7, 2013

Mom Finds Sons Lost Bike - 50 Years Later

In 1954, a local resident named Helen received a bicycle as a gift from someone in her community after she became a widow. Helen previous stated "We were given a girl's bike and my 8-year-old son Don seemed the natural one to ride it." But one day, Don came home and told his mother that he lost it.

As the boy was a little embarrassed about riding a girl's bike, the family easily forgot about it. Decades later, Helen, now 99 years old, read in a local newspaper that the bike had been found five feet high, embed in a tree. Apparently the tree had grown and taken the bike with it.

Both mom and son visited the scene when the story made reports and they both recognized it as the long lost bicycle. One visitor claims that the front wheel of the bike still spins.


  1. if only it was in mint condition they could've sold it as a classic on ebay :)

  2. I think the kid ditched it on purpose all those years ago, it is a girls style bike. :)

  3. I have had this image in my old files for well over a year...
    Story could have "invented" to go with the image ...???

  4. lol there's always that possibility too.
