Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Teacher Smashes Bunnies Heads With Hammer In Front Of Class

An anatomy teacher for a public school in Milan has been sentenced to eight months in jail for brutally killing two bunnies in front of his middle school class.  The bunnies were supposed to be delivered already dead,  but upon finding two still alive the teacher "first tried to strangle them, then repeatedly punched the animals, and then after prolonged violence, smashed the rabbits' heads with a hammer."

 Read more HERE


  1. I wonder what she does for Easter...??? lol

  2. I hope he meets a 'friendly' Easter bunny' in prison.

  3. Yeah - he's gonna be in jail for Easter! I wonder if the boys will give him a special holiday?

  4. I hope one of the kids stabs him in a few years, wtf, am I allowed to say that? Un-PC Jo.

  5. Say what you want here! And like the article somewhat stated, why in the world were they not using anatomy software instead? I think the guy probably got his jollies freaking the little kids out.

  6. I don´t have words for that kind of people !!!!!!!!!!
    Hopefully a big muscly man in prison puts on a bunny costume and surprises him from behind XDDDD muahahaha

  7. I'm sure someone will get creative with the carrots they provide for veggies to the inmates. ;)

  8. Hahaha! XD That would be suitable,too.
