Monday, January 14, 2013

The Caturday Report! Lost Cat Walks 190 Miles To Get Home

A cat in Florida traveled nearly 200 miles in more than two months to reunite with her owners.
Frightened by fireworks, 4-year-old Holly bolted from Jacob and Bonnie Richter's motor home November 4th in the middle of the Daytona Speedway Park.  The couple searched for Holly for days, but had to head home to West Palm Beach without her. 
Then, over the weekend, Holly showed up in Barb Mazzola's Palm Beach garden, skinny and weak.  Holly had walked from Daytona Beach all the way down Florida to within one mile of her home.  That's 190 miles. 
Mazzola took Holly to a vet who found her microchip which showed she belonged to the Richters.

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  1. In my family there has been 2 similar stories, involving a cat one time and a dog another, but none had to travel 200 miles! Talk about animal GPS.

  2. Love can withstand everything ;___;

    I wonder how the cat managed to know the right direction???????

  3. There are a lot about our cat friends that we still don't know. I think they are a lot smarter than they are given credit for in a lot of cases.
