Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Caturday Report! Meet Tarder Sauce, The Grumpy Cat

"Grumpy Cat is the angriest cat you’ll ever see. She hates everything. Especially fun.

“I had fun once. It was awful,” her most famous Internet meme says.

Meet Tardar Sauce, the cat whose precious frown has made her famous as “Grumpy Cat.” In an Internet world flooded with adorable or outrageous kitty-cats, “Tard” has made her mark as the grumpiest of them all."

 More than 400,000 people like Grumpy Cat’s Facebook page. Tens of thousands of people from all over the world regularly like and share the photos and memes that are posted there.

Read the new article about Tard the grumpy cat HERE


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  1. I would LOVE to have a cat like Tarder Sauce! Nice to see you in my neck of the woods Joanne. :)

  2. What a sour puss. I bet when he's purring, he's just doing it out of spite.

  3. If I ever turn into a grumpy old lady I'd love for this cat to sit with me on the porch while I shake my fist at innocent children.

  4. Fun stuff everyone! And Tard doesn't purr, Tard GROWWWLLLS! :)
