Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Caturday Report! Vine Videos A Boon For Cat Adoption. :)

News from at Mashable:

"It didn't take long for non-profits to catch the Vine bug.

As soon as Twitter launched the new Vine app, Becca Meyers of the New York Humane Society shared a six-second clip of cat Parker from the non-profit's newly minted account.

Last Friday, Parker went home with his new permanent owner, who says she adopted him because of the adorable video shared to Vine."

Read all about it,  and catch the Parker Vine video HERE

Meanwhile,  in Russia...


  1. i'm just glad the little kitty got a new home. If the internet's worth anything, it's the ability to occasionally do some good, among all the mindless entertainment.
    Funny videos!

  2. That IS a great use for Vine! The videos came from the blog Englishrussia BTW.
