Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Caturday Report! How Nora The Piano Cat Became An Internet Sensation

Atop the bench of her Yamaha, Nora tickles the ivories either seated or standing—using her paws and even her face—and she's been known to watch the piano lessons and play along with the students.
An American shorthair, Nora is owned by Betsy Alexander and Burnell Yow of Philadelphia, who adopted her as a kitten in 2004. Alexander, the piano instructor, says she and Yow came home one day to hear the piano playing in the next room and found Nora sitting on the bench.

In disbelief, Alexander began filming Nora and posting the videos on YouTube for her niece. The videos went viral and have more than 37 million views. Nora's online success has led to TV appearances with celebrities such as Conan O'Brien, Ellen DeGeneres and Tyra Banks, and she was the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' Cat of the Year in 2009.

Read more at USATODAY

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