Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Caturday Report! Policeman Shoots Cat With Crossbow

A South Texas police officer has been put on administrative leave after being charged with shooting an arrow into a neighbor's cat.

Police in Boerne say Officer Lance Deleon was not on duty when the cat named Bobby was wounded. Police Chief Jim Kohler says the cat was shot using a crossbow.

Officials with South Texas Veterinary Specialists say the 2-year-old male cat has been treated for a punctured lung and broken front right leg. Vets say Bobby is expected to recover after being shot Tuesday.
Deleon was charged with animal cruelty and freed Wednesday after posting $2,000 bail.


Read the big story on this at the DAILYMAIL


  1. I hope he gets fired as well, but they get away with a lot worse than that here in the states Joanne.

  2. It's the same all over the world, dodgy, bent idiots in charge of the country

  3. Now the big thing here is the cops go after people recording them, and highly aggressively. It's amazing the stuff they do to people.
