Friday, June 14, 2013

Followup! Cop Cleared Of Wrongdoing For Shooting Kittens In Front Of Horrified Children

Animal welfare groups are demanding the city fire Humane Officer Barry Accorti who responded to a call to remove a group of feral cats near a family home Monday.

The call was placed by a neighborhood woman who was concerned about the family of cats.

Within 20 minutes Accorti arrived, telling the woman and her children, ranging in age from several months to seven years, that the animal shelters were full and that the kittens “would be going to kitty heaven.”

The mother, assuming Accorti was going to capture the animals and that would possibly face humane euthanasia at the shelters, took her children back into her home.

Ohio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Director Theresa Landon, who took the woman’s complaint, explains what happened next:

“[Accorti] went to his truck and got his gun, which she thought was a tranquilizer gun, and walked around to the back of the house and approximately 15 feet from her back door shot and killed the eight to 10-week-old kittens.”

 Tuesday North Ridgeville Police Chief Mike Freeman cleared Human Officer Barry Accorti in any wrongdoing. However, several local animal welfare advocacy groups have become strongly concerned over the incident and are demanding the city fire Accorti for actions they describe as careless and cruel.

Read more over at the INQUISITR

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