Friday, June 7, 2013

Naked Man Proposes To Stranger At Her House

"When officers arrived about 3:45 a.m., an arrest report said, Edwards was "completely naked." They told him to put his boxers back on.

Edwards, who said his name was "Zim," told officers his girlfriend invited him over so that he could propose to her.

She wanted him to strip down, he said.

Edwards told police "he just wanted to go to jail" and asked if head-butting an officer would get him there.

"I told him not to try it," one of the responding officers reported.
Edwards then told the officer he would spit in his face.

"I again told him not to try it," the officer stated.

Not long after, Edwards stood up and walked toward the officer, who told him to sit back down.
Edwards then spat in the officer's face, the report said.

Another officer tased Edwards in the left hip and thigh. Edwards fell, scraping his knee and foot on the driveway. He rolled over and pulled the taser prongs out."

More on the loony can be found HERE  and HERE

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