Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Great Venus Flytrap Heist

This is the latest in a long string of strange heists I've reported here on SDIN,  I am thinking of enumerating them as I do my Walmart Madness posts. ;)  "Strange Heist Indeed #" or something of that ilk.  Anyhow,  this theft is worth $20,000:

Police in Wilmington are investigating the theft of more than 1,000 Venus flytraps from a city garden.
The StarNews of Wilmington reports ( the plants were taken recently from Wilmington's Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden.

The plants represent about 90 percent of the flytraps in the garden. Each plant is valued at about $20.
Detective Kevin Smith says property crimes detectives are investigating. Smith says the perpetrators could face felony larceny charges as well as trespassing and charges of violating state law protecting certain plants.


Read more here:

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