Thursday, June 13, 2013

Walmart Madness #92! Man Barricaded In Van With Chickens, Ducks, And Parakeets

"On Wednesday morning, Springdale police got a call from a woman who said her uncle, Rainbow Kilo Rasphoumy, 40, had been outside her house for more than an hour.  She told dispatch the man had a history of mental problems and often come to her house to bother her.  She gave them a description of the van he was reportedly driving.

Police pulled Rasphoumy later that morning in the Walmart marking lot near Robinson Ave and Butterfield Coach Road. Rasphoumy got out of the van but then police said he became "uncooperative" heading back to the vehicle to grab an "object similar to a flute which he raised over his head.

According to reports, then he laid in the driver's seat, putting his legs up like he was going to "kick at the officers."

That's when Rasphoumy pulled what police say appeared to be a handgun and pointed it toward the officers..  The officers took cover, firing a reported seven shots, each hitting the van.

The SWAT team was called to the scene along with crisis negotiators who talked Rasphoumy into surrendering.

 The gun Rasphoumy used turned out to be a toy resembling a snub nose revolver.  Also located in the van were 3 parakeets, 3 chickens and 2 ducks."

The Walmart Neighborhood Market manager moved all customers and associates to the back of the building. No injuries were reported.

Source HERE  and more

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