Monday, June 24, 2013

Weed Man Stabs Beer Man! Alien And Predator Questioned By Police

There was an outbreak of reefer madness in Times Square when a panhandler holding an “I Need Money for Weed” sign stabbed a rival holding an “I Need Beer” sign in the head with a pen.

Cops quickly cuffed the alleged stabber and charges were pending as they tried to determine what got “Weed” guy’s nose out of joint. “Beer” guy’s injuries were minor.

The two choosy beggers began brawling around 10:15 p.m. at 42nd St. near 7th Ave. as dozens of Broadway shows let out, witnesses said.

Nearby, Predator and Alien paused from their ongoing war to answer questions from an NYPD detective — who likely had had his fill of characters for the night.

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