Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gang Of Cats Savagely Attack Woman

The 31-year-old woman had apparently been out walking her pet poodle when she was set upon by half a dozen blood thirsty moggies.

 The victim’s mother Josette Galliot described the mob attack.

"They scratched and bit my daughter and really went for her," Galliot told Est Republicain.
“They jumped on her and managed to knock her over. The wild cats bit her on the leg and on her arms. They even pierced an artery," she said.

Her daughter was then taken to hospital where she received precautionary rabies treatment. In a separate vehicle, the dog was transported to the local vet.

“My daughter thought it was a living nightmare,” the woman’s mother added. “She’s still traumatized today – and is bordering on depression.”

Read more at  THELOCALFR

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