Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Nude Woman Distracts Homeowner From House Burglary

A woman who received permission to skinny dip in a man's backyard pool sufficiently amused him while her male companion burglarized the premises, police reported.

The 54-year-old victim said the couple, who lived nearby, approached his home about 3 p.m. Saturday in this eastern Tennessee town.

He said the woman instructed her companion to return home for her cigarettes, and then asked the homeowner if she could swim in his pool.

He escorted her through the home to the pool in the rear when she surprisingly asked if he would mind if she swam in the nude.

He didn't, she stripped down and proceeded to swim for 20 minutes. The homeowner sat poolside all the while, handing her a towel to dry off when she finished. She then dressed and left.

Police said the victim got an even bigger surprise when he returned to his home, discovering missing jewelry, medications and a handgun -- all worth an estimated $1,195.