Thursday, September 19, 2013

Helicopter Rescue For Seagull Trapped On Powerline

A stunning photo of the dramatic rescue

"You could say it was one bird coming to the rescue of another this morning high above the water near the Lesner Bridge.

A seagull, tangled in some power lines, couldn’t free itself and had been stuck there for days.
About 8:40 a.m., a helicopter platform crew swooped in beside the lines and a crew member perched on the edge of the platform grabbed the bird and put it into a container.
Then they flew away together.

The bird was still alive when it was rescued, according to Dominion Virginia Power spokeswoman Bonita Billingsley Harris. She said the bird was handed over to the U.S. Department of AgricultureHERE."

 For more on this story + photos,  go

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