Thursday, September 5, 2013

Man Didn't Do Anything Wrong Masturbating In Front Of 23 Children

<---- Ronald Dean claimed he didn't do nothing wrong.

"According to the documents, a gym teacher had just led as many as 23 children between the ages of 10 and 13 had just been led outside the AmeriSchools Academy -- a charter school near 15th Avenue and Camelback Road -- when they all saw Dean.

Dean, who was in an alley "in plain view" of the school, pulled his pants down to his knees and "began masturbating in front of the crowd of students," according to the court documents.

The gym teacher tried to usher the kids back inside as quickly as possible, as police were called.

Dean was found in the same alley, with his pants around his ankles.

Dean said he didn't do anything wrong -- he was just sitting there smoking crack, he explained to the officers, according to the documents.

"I was just sitting here getting high," police quote Dean as saying."

Read more HERE

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