Monday, September 23, 2013

Man Strings Up Mouse That Chewed Up His Money

You see the distant flames
They bellow in the night
You fight in all our names
For what we know is right
And when you all get shot
And can not carry on
Though you die
La Resistance lives on

You may get stabbed in the head
With a dagger or sword
You may be burned to death
Or skinned alive or worse
But when they torture you
You will not feel the need to run for
Though you die
La Resistance lives on

"A Palestinian man has retaliated against a mouse that chewed through some of his wages by suspending the animal by its limbs and posting an image on Facebook.

The man, who lives in Gaza but is originally from the city of Hebron in the West Bank, tied the mouse to ropes to avenge the mouse’s actions in sneaking into the Palestinian’s closet and eating 3 banknotes of 200 Israeli Shekels each (Dh200) of the man’s pay.

The man claimed he had just received his weekly salary and had hidden it from view for safety.

His actions come amid extreme and unprecedented economic conditions faced in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has delayed cashing in public worker salaries for several months in the West Bank due to shortages brought about in part by Israeli withholiding of Palestinian funds."


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