Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dogs Overdose On Drugs By Eating Human Addict Poop

"Vets in Germany's capital are warning about an increase in the number of dogs becoming ill and unable to walk properly, after eating the feces of human drug users in Berlin's parks. 

Apparently groups of drug users tend to gather in parks in the Treptow and Kreuzberg areas of Berlin and some of them use the bushes as a public toilet. According to Germany's Tagesspiegel newspaper (in German) on Monday, this is proving to be dangerous for dogs. The newspaper quoted veterinarians in the city who said that they had see a rise in the number of dogs brought to their clinics that had eaten human waste. On running tests on the dogs it was revealed that they had been poisoned by illegal drugs, including heroin, that were still present in the human feces. 

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/360700#ixzz2iTe6oHD4

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