Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My 1000th Post!

Well well well.  It's strange how I started this strange news blog on a whim just because I love strange news and here I still am,  1000 posts and nearly two years later! :)

I love things like crossword puzzles and hidden object games;  this blog fulfills much the same feeling of accomplishment when I ferret out stories that I deem worthy of posting here.  Sometimes it can be a pain though,  I've searched for over five hours before and have not posted a single story!  Then again,  sometimes they come easy.  One thing I can count on is the fact that the strange news will keep on coming and coming.  Truth is much stranger than fiction,  and these are strange days indeed.



  1. Congrats my Friend
    and a fun to read blog it is....!!!

  2. Thank you my friends! And on to the next 1,000 I go! You guys are yet another reason I keep a Blogger blog - so I can follow you too!!
