Saturday, October 5, 2013

Woman Drinks Urine Every Day To Stay Young And Healthy

A glass of urine a day helps keep the doctor away.
Have you drunk your urine today?

"While certainly not for the faint-hearted, Sylvia also uses her urine to wash her hair and moisturise her face.

Sylvia told Closer: 'Drinking my own urine has kept me healthy and energised. And it helps me stay young- men are often surprised when I tell them my age.

‘I have a glass of urine in the morning and another couple during the day. It tastes delicious - it's a bit like water, but sweeter.

'I haven’t been to the doctor in a decade. I never get colds and I've maintained my size 10 figure.’

 The mother-of-two is an advocate of urine therapy for everything from keeping youthful to healing wounds, and keeps a bottle of old urine in the kitchen in case she burns herself, as aged urine has stronger healing properties."

Read a lot more HERE if urine to it.

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