Friday, November 29, 2013

Tornado Flattens Apartment Building, But Dog Found Alive After 9 Days Buried Under Rubble

More good dog news everyone! :) :) :)

"Illinois National Guardsman Spc. Jacob Montgomery and his 6-month-old puppy, Dexter, were reunited nine days after a tornado destroyed their apartment on Nov. 17 in Washington, Ill. An animal rescuing organization used hot dogs to coax the pup out from under a pile of rubble. A veterinarian found Dexter to be malnourished, but without any major injuries."

So that is a puppy?  He's gonna be buying a lot of dog chow!  And at least he has the chance to now though. :)


Dog Sentenced To Death Is Saved By Love For Goose

This quacks me up!  (no groaning please, I got nothing tonight)  :)

"Rex the German Shepherd had such a vicious nature that it took two people to feed him - one to distract him and one to throw a bowl of food into his enclosure.

He ate wild rabbits that roamed anywhere near him and barked and growled at anyone who came close and staff at the resuce centre where he was homed were coming close to making the decision to put him down.

But all that changed when Geraldine the goose walked into his life.

Rex, 11, fell in love with the goose and his temperament has calmed - saving him from a likely death."

Read all about the odd couple over at DAILYSTAR

Walmart Madness #115! Massive Protests And Frenzied Violence Mar Walmart's "Black Friday Sale"

Well.  I never EVER have to go looking for a Walmart story to post.  In my ordinary hunt for news they simply are there,  ripe for the plucking,  and I am even able to be picky about the stories I post.  But since today is "Black Friday" I decided to do an odd thing;  I went to Google News and entered "Walmart Wal-mart" into the search field,  what I saw just on the first page was,  well,  not surprising.

And to think,  the day has just begun really,  it's not even noon yet.  To be fair "Black Friday" technically started when they opened last night though,  I see a few stories from then.  Here are a few highlights so far:

"Defying the nation’s top employer and a business model that defines the new U.S. economy, Wal-Mart employees and allies will try to oust shopping headlines with strike stories, and throw a retail giant off its heels on what should be its happiest day of the year. By day’s end, organizers expect 1,500 total protests in cities ranging from Los Angeles, Calif., to Wasilla, Alaska, including arrests in nine cities: Seacaucus, New Jersey; Alexandria, Virginia; Dallas; Minneapolis; Chicago; Seattle; and Ontario, San Leandro, and Sacramento, California.

“Like my mom always said, ‘You see something that’s not right, it’s your turn to fix it,” said 45-year-old Chicago Wal-Mart employee Myron Byrd, who plans to be arrested in his first act of civil disobedience today. “And you can’t do it by yourself — you have to do it with others.”

Read that fine story at SALON


"charged with disorderly conduct, aggravated assault on a police officer and resisting arrest, according to Garfield police. It's not clear what the suspect and manager were arguing over at the busy department store.

According to the Star-Ledger, the suspect became belligerent during the argument and started attacking a Garfield police officer when the manager called for help. A police department official told the paper that officers had to use pepper spray to subdue the man."


“As officers approached the front door, one of the two subjects ran out the door into the parking lot” and the officer chased him to a waiting car, Turvey said.

“The officer was struggling with the subject as he got into the car and then the car started to move as the officer was partially inside the car. The officer was dragged quite some distance. He couldn’t get out,” Turvey said.

The wounded driver and the dragged officer were both taken for hospital treatment of non-life-threatening shoulder injuries, and three people were arrested, Turvey said.



"The injured officer was transported to St. Bernardine Medical Center in San Bernardino with a broken wrist, police officials said.

A Walmart manager said the doors were originally scheduled to open at 8 p.m. but with the more than 3,000 people in line they made the decision to open the doors early, which police said led to the melee.

Police said there were three fights total shortly after 7 p.m. at the store at 1610 S. Riverside Ave., two of which were inside over merchandise and the third outside that caused injury to the officer."



"In Virginia, two men were arrested after a stabbing in a fight over a parking space at a Walmart in Claypool, Va. WVVA-TV reports Ronnie Sharp, 61, threatened Christopher Jackson, 35, with a rifle and then cut him in the arm with a knife.

Sharp is charged with malicious wounding and brandishing a firearm. Jackson was treated at an area hospital and charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery, both misdemeanors."


And on and on.  I'm sick of posting so I'll leave with you with some video.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Woman Dies From Drug Overdose Celebrating Her New Job As Drug Counselor

Time to break out the irony photo again,  quite unfortunately in this case.

"A 27-year-old woman in England who was in training to be a psychologist and had already published articles in a medical journal, died of a drug overdose while she was celebrating her new job — working with drug users.

A coroner’s inquest in South Manchester found this week that in July, Jennifer Whiteley had nine different drugs in her system, including a so-called “legal high” known as Benzo Fury, when she broke into profuse sweats and collapsed with a rapid heartbeat at her parents’ home in Greater Manchester while partying with her 29-year-old boyfriend, Andrew Tunnah.

In addition to ingesting Benzo Fury — and amphetamine-like “designer drug” which Whiteley reportedly purchased over the internet before it was outlawed in the U.K. — she had been drinking vodka and snorting cocaine."

Read much more HERE

Police Message: "Pease Just Ignore The Evil Clown Epidemic."

Pennywise frowns upon your shenanigans.

The public in Norfolk have been told by the police not to approach any creepy clowns after a recent wave of alarming and terrifying sightings.

 "Superintendent Carl Edwards said no one had been injured or assaulted. He added that it seemed whoever was behind the makeup was probably trying to shock people and it was best not to give them the attention.

Officers would patrol areas where the reports had been made and, if they found any clowns, they would "offer them strong words of advice", he said. "Firstly I'd like to stress that it isn't against the law to dress up as a clown.

"Nobody has been assaulted and it appears that the people involved are waiting for a passerby to be startled by their appearance and run away, and then the clown runs after them for a short distance.
"We know there has been a lot of gossip and conversations about this on social media channels, not just in Norfolk, and it is important to gain a perspective on these incidents.

"We appreciate this can worry people, especially the young or elderly. The most effective way to behave if you are to see someone dressed up is to give no reaction – because that's what they are after."


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Python Swallows Passed Out Drunk Guy

"A drunk man in India was taking a well-deserved nap outside a liquor store today, when he was discovered by a huge python. Unfortunately it was just around lunch time for the large snake, that smothered and ate him. The incident happened in the Attapadi area in the state Kerala."

Information from Lords of the Drinks

Walmart Madness #114! Fools Gold

I have a bridge for sale as well,  cheap!

The Wal-Mart shopped was approached by a man in his 40's who told her he needed cash for legal expenses. He offered to sell her a gold bar for a fraction of its value. Another man stepped in, speaking to the authenticity of the gold bar. The man who approached her then said he would be willing to take any cash she had in her house for the gold bar.

She fell for it.

Police did not reveal how much money the two men received. But they issued some advice: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

They also released images of the suspects grabbed from surveillance video. Do you recognize them? Yes? Salem Police would like to hear from you: 503-588-6175.


The Penis Bush Sculpting Bandit Strikes Again

"There won't be any more shrubs trimmed into phallic symbols in a small plot of land near the Windsor Sculpture Garden.

John Miceli, Windsor's director of parks and facilities, said the city was made aware of the latest prank on Thursday.

"Someone placed the letters 'penis' at that site," said Miceli.

Miceli believes the vandal used garland to make the letters. The city reacted immediately, removing the offending letters, and pulling out nearby shrubs.
Garden used to have shrubs that were twice targeted by vandals
And now the garden has no shrubs. (CBC\Tom Addison)

In October, in two separate incidents, shrubs in the garden plot were turned into phallic shapes by unknown people.

Both times the city moved quickly to re-shape the shrubs, even though they were attracting a lot of attention."

For video and more go HERE

And go here for the original story on the penis topiary:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Walmart Madness #113! Man Goes To Woman's Bathroom For Naked Morning Masturbation

That's all folks!

"Customer Beth Davis told police that she entered the restroom yesterday morning and found a nude man pleasuring himself in front of the mirror. Davis, who fled the bathroom in search of help, said that she later saw the suspect--now dressed--depart the bathroom and head for the Walmart’s exit.

So the 61-year-old Davis--who told TSG she was “in panic mode”--began filming him with her cell phone, while providing accompanying narration: “My name is Beth Davis and I witnessed it. You were naked and had your pants down around your ankles. Someone stop him. Do not let him go out that door.”

While the man ran from the store, a second shopper photographed his vehicle and its license plate.


Pegnant Woman Hits Belly With Hammer To Prove How Hard Her Unborn Baby Is

"A video of a heavily pregnant woman hitting her swollen belly with a hammer has appeared online.
The five-second video was shot on a smartphone in October 2012 and is the product of 24-year-old Heather Thorpe and her then-boyfriend Sean Hanlon, 26, both from the West Midlands in the UK. It shows Thorpe striking herself twice, apparently to demonstrate the toughness of her unborn son.

"My baby's hard as anything -- just watch this," Thorpe reportedly told Hanlon at the time, just weeks before the child was born."

Don't miss another fine TomoNews animation (and real footage) of the event!:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Burglar Burglarizes Burglar

"It seems inconceivable, but when a man was caught for burglary by police and confessed, he took them to his dormitory only to find another burglar allegedly stealing from him.

It happened last Tuesday in Langfang, Hebei. Police caught a hardened burglar that night as he carried tools to commit an offense.

When the police questioned him, the burglar, surnamed Zhang, confessed. Zhang then took police to search out the stolen things he had stored in his dorm.

Upon arriving, they met a strange man moving Zhang’s valuables out of his dorm. Police then took Zhang’s alleged burglar into custody."


Released Wedding Doves Captured And Eaten By Hungry Locals

Coo Coo Catch You!

"On November 13 on the south shore of Swan Lake in the city of Hefei, Anhui province, several couples were getting ready to take the plunge into marital bliss. In order to make wedding pictures stand out from the ordinary, the couples had purchased nearly a hundred white doves to be released live during the picture taking.

But as fast as the flash was, some unscrupulous Hefei residents were even faster. As soon as the doves were released, they were immediately snatched up by city residents until all that remained were a few birds. When asked why he would do such a thing at an occasion for love and harmony, one city resident explained, “This is an edible dove; it can be eaten."


Man Has No Toilet Paper So Calls Police For Help

“I am in the male public bathroom located next to the Oude supermarket in Buzheng Village in Gulin County; the toilet paper is missing in here, and I need the assistance of the police sub-station to send more toilet paper!” These words were reported to the police sub-station in Yingzhou District in the city of Ningbo at 8:23 on the morning of October 29.

Upon receiving the report, the Gulin police sub-station arranged to dispatch officers to the scene. After 20 minutes officers had still not managed to locate the toilet in question, but as there was no further communication from the caller, police thought he had gotten help from someone else. And so it was with surprise that at 8:45 the police sub-station again received a call from this man. This time the man complained, “Why hasn’t the toilet paper been sent over already? My legs are falling asleep!”

No square was to be spared for him.  Read the rest HERE

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Two Corrupt Bankers Sentanced To Death

"United States bankers may rarely see the inside of a prison cell, but the Vietnamese are taking financial corruption far more seriously. Vu Quoc Hao and Dang Van Hai have both been sentenced to death by lethal injection after a trial lasting just nine days in Ho Chi Minh City.

"They were given the sentences for embezzlement of assets, mismanagement, abuse of power and fraud, [and] causing serious consequences to the state," reported state TV programming.

The sentence is part of a recent effort to clean up corruption, which has grown rampant"

Read the rest HERE

Groundbreaking Scientific Study States That Woman Are Bitchier Than Men

"A non-experimental Canadian study conducted recently states that women portray "indirect aggression", popularly known as 'bitchiness' toward other women as a part of intrasexual competition. It was also found that this behavior is more common among women.

 Women are found to show the "school girl behavior" even after as adults, which includes doing things like spreading rumors, criticizing the appearance and also defaming potential rivals by calling them promiscuous behind their backs."

Read how they conducted the bitchy study HERE

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Caturday Report! Japan's Cat Heaven Island

Another photo heavy Caturday Report -  because I canz has.  :)

"About 100 humans live on Cat Heaven Island. They care for the cats, who outnumbered them long ago, because they believe that feeding them will bring good luck and wealth.
As you can see, the cats pretty much rule the roost."

For more photos and information on Cat Heaven Island,  go  HERE 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dog Eats Homework, Needs Surgery After Eating It

"Reggie, 2, got way too familiar with his 13-year-old owner’s school science project – a mock volcano. Payton Moody said the project was made out of candy and pins.

The yellow Labrador managed to knock the project off a desk and eat "every last bite" while the family was away at their son's football game, Payton's mother, Kara Moody, said.

The family took Reggie to an emergency animal hospital as soon as they realized what happened.
Reggie had to undergo emergency surgery after 50 pins showed up on his X-ray. Reggie also consumed a dangerous amount of chocolate, which is toxic for dogs."

Read more about the homework bandit HERE

Monday, November 18, 2013

Walmart Madness #112! Walmart Asks Their Workers To Donate Food To Their Needy Employees

"A Cleveland Wal-Mart store is holding a food drive — for its own employees.

"Please donate food items so associates in need can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner," reads a sign accompanied by several plastic bins.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer first reported on the food drive, which has sparked outrage in the area.
"That Wal-Mart would have the audacity to ask low-wage workers to donate food to other low-wage workers — to me, it is a moral outrage," Norma Mills, a customer at the store, told the Plain Dealer.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Obese Man Sues Restaurant Because He Cannot Fit Into Booth

Oh no!  That looks horrible and painful!

"Martin Kessman, 64, has filed a lawsuit seeking unspecified financial damages against the fast-food chain, claiming that his local White Castle is in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act because the seating cannot accommodate a customer of his size. A federal lawsuit filed last week claims that in April 2009, Kessman smacked his knee into a metal post while trying to wedge himself into the stationary seating at a White Castle in Nanuet, N.Y., near his home.

 After limping out of the store in pain, he wrote multiple letters to White Castle’s corporate headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, complaining about the inadequate seating situation and his embarrassment in having to try to fit into a chair at the Rockland County location. White Castle’s response was a series of “condescending letters’’ and three coupons for a total of nine free hamburgers, according to the lawsuit.

“But the cheese was extra!’’ he wrote in the lawsuit."

Read it all HERE

Man Pretends To Be A Cop To Get Free Doughnuts

"Police say he went through a drive-thru at Florida Dunkin’ Donuts location, identified himself as a police officer and demanded a discount.

The Dunkin’ Donuts employee serving him refused to give him a discount, causing the man to hold up his gun and say, “See, I’m a cop.”

He tried the same trick the next day, but this time the store’s manager wrote down his licence plate.

Police eventually set up surveillance at the store and arrested 48-year-old Charles Barry.

Police found a sheriff’s badge and a .38 calibre revolver in his pocket. He was charged for impersonating a law enforcement officer and improper exhibition of a firearm."

Let this be a warning to all that abuse cop privileges! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Caturday Report! One Ballsy Cat!

Sheesh - I didn't think I'd get to a Caturday Report today!  I'll be around much more for news soon my dear readers. :)  So,  here's the ballsy kittay:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


A Burger King in Ephrata, Wash., recently posted the words "Now Hiring Must be Mexican" on its sign: posted a picture of the sign and asked its readers, "I’m not exactly sure of the reasoning. Maybe none of the current staff can speak espanol or perhaps they need to fulfill their EEO report, I’m not exactly sure. What do you think? Do you find this sign offensive or are you okay with their honesty.”

So far, 82 percent of their readers say the sign is offensive, which seems to be the same percentage of people who have slammed Burger King on its official Facebook page.

Read it your way,   HERE

Walmart Madness #111! More Bomb Threats For Walmart Stores!

The original Walmart bomb threat post I made happened on July 28, 2012.  You can read that post here:

The difference in this case being the person that did the bomb threat tried to extort money as well:

"Bomb threats were called into simultaneously to Wal-Mart locations in Laramie as well as one in Casper this afternoon from the same phone number.

The caller told Laramie Police he had placed a bomb inside the store.

Laramie Police quickly evacuated the building and bomb sniffing dogs from the University of Wyoming were called to investigate.

Laramie Police say the caller demanded an undisclosed amount of money be transferred to him using a pre-paid debit card."


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Man Bored Waiting At The DMV (Department Of Motor Vehicles) Decides To Masturbate In Front Of Everyone

"Edward Michael Alvin, 34, exposed himself at about 11 a.m. Friday to several people in the lobby of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles office, according to a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrest report.

An off-duty Delray Beach police officer who was also at the 571 North Military Trail office told Alvin to stop masturbating. Alvin ignored the order, deputies said.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Behold The Creepy But Amazing 240 Year Old Clockwork Computer And Printing Automaton

From the BBC program Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams, Professor Simon Schaffer examines a clockwork creation of Pierre Jaquet-Droz.

Women Grab Men's Balls For A Good Cause

Fine.  Just be gentle!

"These male shoppers got more than they bargained for when they had their BALLS cupped by female strangers in the street.

The daring stunt by a French hand sanitizer company saw three women grab a handful to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

And by the looks on some of these men's faces, they had no idea what was coming.

Company Merci Handy arranged the campaign on the streets of Paris to promote Movember in a whole new way.

The men's reactions are comical, as some look completely shocked by the daring move, and one actually reaches for the girls' boobs in response."

Man Marries Tree

"A man says "I do" to a tree in Argentina.

Environmental activist and actor, Richard Torres, walked down the aisle to draw attention to global environmental concerns.

He placed symbolic offerings at the bottom of the tree before saying his vows and switching rings.
He even gave the tree a kiss, and a lick. A crowd of onlookers cheered him on.

Torres says that he intends to take his message of saving the environment to other Latin American countries."

See the video HERE

Russian Artist Pyotr Pavlensky Nails His Nuts To Red Square

Another ballsy protest from the Russian artist

The shock artist sat in the square naked, with his knees part, and hammered a nail which appeared to be about 10 inches long, through the front of his scrotum, much to the horror of dozens of tourists passing by.

Pavlensky posted a written statement on the website explaining that his action was "...a metaphor for the apathy, political indifference and fatalism of contemporary Russian society".

A police officer eventually covered up Pavlensky with what appeared to be a white blanket or sheet, before taking the artist to a medical clinic. He was later arrested and faces up to 15 days in prison for hooliganism.

Don't miss the fine TomoNews animated feature of the strange event!:

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The World's First 3D Printed Metal Gun Is Awesome And Accurate Introducing metal 3D printing to the world as a viable solution for fully functional firearm prototypes. At you can learn more about the reliability, usability, durability and accuracy of DMLS as a functioning prototype or product, and this gun is a successful demonstration of each of those attributes. Its chamber sees pressure above 20,000 psi every time it is fired proving the material integrity provided by DMLS technology. The small components needed for the 1911 series gun proves DMLS can meet tolerances and accuracy. We're changing people's perspective about what 3D Printing can do and showing the technology is at a place where we can do this kind of thing and succeed. This technology is capable of fully functioning assemblies at full scale.

Man Gets 11 Months In Jail For Having Sex With Pool Float

"Oh baby!"

"A Hamilton man with several prior public indecency convictions was sentenced Tuesday for having sex with a rubber pool float last summer.

Edwin Charles Tobergta, 34, was indicted in July on one count of public indecency and pleaded guilty in September.

According to an arrest report, Tobergta was arrested on June 15 after stepping out his back door, naked, and having sexual relations with a rubber pool float. The incident occurred in front of several children during the daylight hours."


Man Mistakes Liquid Methamphetamine For Health Drink, Dies After Drinking It

"A man has died after drinking a massive overdose of liquid crystal meth after mistaking it for a health drink.

Romano Dias, 55, had been given a bottle of what appeared to be a fruit-based drink by his daughter Katee, who had found it in a package delivered to her home.
After downing about half a glass of the liquid he immediately began to feel ill and died shortly afterwards.

Mr Dias’s partner Debra Dulson said in a statement that he had opened the bottle and found a cork under the cap.

She said he took a mouthful of the drink and had said that it tasted 'awful' before complaining that his throat was burning.

He then said: 'I am in trouble here. I am dying, I am dead.'

Mom Arrested For Letting Her Kids Play Outside

“So, we were outside. I took my lawn chair and put it on the sidewalk where I always sit and watch them outside when they’re playing. They were out maybe an hour and a half, two hours and got tired. We came inside, started getting their pajamas on them and getting ready for the end of our day, and about 30 minutes after that I looked out my window and see a La Porte police officer at the end of my driveway.”

Man Cuts Off Own Penis Because He Had No Use For It

Damn dude. :(

"A Chinese man frustrated at being single cut off his own penis then, in agony, decided to cycle to a hospital for treatment.

When he arrived doctors told him they couldn't help save his manhood and ordered him to cycle back home to get the penis before he could be treated.

When Yang Hu, 26, eventually arrived back at the hospital with the severed member, doctors told him that it had been without blood for too long, and it was impossible to reattach it."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Caturday Report! Deer And Cat Love Each Other

How about a nice photo post of some inter-species loving for this Caturday?