Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Facebook Status Update: "Help! I'm Falling Off A..."

" If she had been able to type fast enough, a young Taiwanese woman's Facebook status update would have read "I am falling off a pier." Police in Melbourne, Australia, say the tourist was so engrossed in her smartphone that she walked straight off a pier and almost drowned, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Luckily, somebody witnessed the fall and called police, who plucked her out of the water around 100 feet from the pier."



  1. They went through and censored out my past comments at Marshville/Topix
    Those "Holier than Thou" A$$-Holes removed all that I had ever said... I thought this was a country of "Free Speech"... We Are PISSED...!!!

  2. They put my "comments back up"...
    well "Free Speech"...

  3. Lol, them may have just shadow banned you then (your comments may just be visible to you only) so give me a link. I hardly ever use Topix anymore, they are going the way of the dinosaur, it's all Reddit now.
