Monday, December 16, 2013

You Spilled My Mountain Dew So I'm Gonna Hack You Up With My Machete!

"George R. Brents, 57, was arrested Saturday after a fight broke out when his step-daughter's husband opened the door of the pickup they were riding in and a case of Mountain Dew fell out onto the ground, causing one can to break open.

According to court documents, Brents became angry, jumped out of the truck and pursued the other man, swinging a machete, which still had the cover on.

Brents then removed the cover and again swung the machete at the man, who had to jump backwards to avoid getting cut. The man was cut on the hand when he tried to grab the machete from Brents.

The man told a Gallatin County deputy sheriff that Brents kept screaming that he would kill him."


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