Sunday, February 23, 2014

Woman Makes Special Bank Deposit On Bank Teller

"The assailant who beat the bank security pretended to be one of the customers, only to pour the smelly faeces on the busy cashier claiming that she snatched her husband. The stench took over the banking hall just as all the customers ran to the door to escape the odour.

It was gathered that management of the bank arranged for the cashier immediately to wash her body and to change to a new cloth after the incident.

A banker had stated thus “All of us, including my colleague who was assaulted, were busy attending to customers when the young lady came in and started raining abusive words on the victim, in an embarrassing way. She called her unprintable names and accused her of snatching her husband.

“We were shocked and we tried to shout her down only for her to open a polythene bag she carried, thinking that she wanted to make some deposit but what she brought out shocked everybody.

“She removed the bag containing the terribly smelly faeces which she instantly poured on her victim."


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