Monday, March 31, 2014

Man Lets Hyena Eat His Penis

(That'll do it)

"A man in Zambia has lost his genitalia after approaching a wild hyena and allowing it to feast on his naked body.

Chamangeni Zulu, originally from Malawi, was acting on a tip-off from a witch doctor in Eastern Province, who told him he would amass sudden wealth if he sacrificed some of his body parts. The witch doctor was vague regarding the manner in which Zulu would get rich from such an act.

Speaking to The Times of Zambia, Zulu said:
On 24th March around 4am, I went to a bush where I was instructed to be naked. A hyena came to me and started eating my toes and eventually my manhood was eaten.
Chamangeni Zulu
While it’s tragic indeed that Zulu has lost his opportunity to contribute to the human gene pool, he remains optimistic about his promised wealth.
Even though I have lost some important parts of my body, I still hope to get rich.
The witch doctor has declined to comment, but the actual doctor who is currently treating Zulu said: “Yes, it’s true he lost his manhood and three toes after being bitten by a hyena, but his condition is stable.”


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