Saturday, March 29, 2014

Man Murdered For Raping Friends Cow

The murder weapon.
They found the body of Annop Buddhasart (41) on a mattress in the abandoned booth. His head was caved in due to blunt force trauma from a weapon. The Police found out that Annop was living with a man named Ta Khamkaew. They searched for Ta for 3 hours and found him looking and acting very suspicious. They took him for questioning at the police station, where Ta confessed that he killed Annop out of pure rage.

Ta said that he and Annop had been drinking together before the murder took place. After Annop has gone to his bedroom to go to sleep, Ta heard his white female cow cry out. He rushed into the bedroom with a hoe thinking the cow had been bitten by a snake. Instead, he found Annop raping the cow, so he bashed Annop with a hoe three times in the head until he died. He then hid the murder weapon and went to sleep at a farmer’s hut nearby.

Baan Thai Police took Ta back to the scene of the crime to find the evidence and to re-enact the murder, as well as to receive his confession. He has been charged with homicide and is now awaiting trial.

For more photos and story in Thai, visit Postjung Board

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