Friday, March 21, 2014

Nearsighted Woman Tries To Rescue A Poor Kitty Cat Stuck Out In The Cold Wind And Snow

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty!"

"It was below zero and I thought the poor cat needs to get in and thaw in warmth," said Hill.

Looking out her Greensboro window on Town Meeting Day, Hill said she saw the animal sitting under her bird feeder and sprang into action.

"I used to have a cat and I had a cat carrier," said Hill.

She grabbed the carrier, dashed out the door, fast approaching the feline and finding something wasn't right.
"There was quite a bit of blood and some fur," she said.

And as Hill got close, she quickly learned the cat was no kitty.

"Well once it got up, it went so fast, it was scary," said Hill.

Hill almost caged herself a bobcat.

She did eventually capture it... on camera that is. She snapped photos once the shock wore off and before the animal could take off."

See the photos HERE

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