Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Caturday Report! Arrow The Cat, Blinded By Shotgun Blast, Finds A Forever Home

Live long and prosper,  little one

"Hundreds of people contacted the Animal Welfare League of Arlington when they found out about Arrow, the buff tabby that was shot by an unknown assailant and lost his eye. BBs or buckshot are still lodged in his head after an operation to remove one eye.

The brave cat, brought to the shelter by someone who found him near Ballston, has been building up his strength after surviving the ordeal. No one ever came forward to claim him or claim responsibility for wounding the cat. The shelter fielded calls from many who wanted to take him home.

He's going home today (Friday) with longtime Arlington resident Anne Hancock, who recently lost her own buff tabby cat, "Mr. Tom."


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