Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Caturday Report! Britain's First Cat Cafe Opens!

Very popular in Japan - with 39 locations in Tokyo alone - cat cafes continue their inevitable expansion into other countries.  I hope someone can take meowt to one soon.  :)

  Having a purrfectly good time!

"Welcome to the world of Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, London’s first cat café, which finally opens its doors to the public on 1 March after more than a year of preparations."

 "The claws are out as cat-loving ladies and gents of all ages are pouncing on the opportunity to sit, eat, drink and play with the 11 resident felines (Adamska, Artemis, Biscuit, Carbonelle, Donnie, Indiana, Loki, Mue, Petra, Romeo and Wookie). 3,000 bookings were made in the first four-and-a-half hours after the café announced its opening day, causing the its website to crash, demonstrating just how many people wish to do as the Japanese do; Japan being, of course, where the cat cafe trend really kicked off after its first feline joint opened in Osaka 10 years ago.

When 31-year-old Aussie and self-confessed crazy cat lady Lauren Pears launched her crowdfunding campaign to introduce the cat café concept to the start-up streets of Shoreditch on Christmas Eve 2012, she never expected to exceed her £108,000 target in less than two months. The generosity was incredible – and none more so than that of Anna Kogan, a 30-year-old Moscow animal welfare organisation founder and London trader who has since become co-owner of the emporium, after investing enough money for Lauren to obtain a visa to stay in the country, something that costs £200,000."

Read it all HERE

And Americans don't have to feel left out just yet.  Two cat cafes are due to open in California in 2014!

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