Monday, March 31, 2014

Walmart Madness #129! Woman Steals And Drinks Beer In Walmart For Two Days

 Pushin' it to the limit that one.

"A Castleton woman was charged with trespassing for allegedly hanging around Walmart and drinking beer for two days.

Elizabeth McGovern, 52, was spotted in the Hoosick Road store around 6:30 p.m. Thursday taking cans of beer and consuming them in the store, State Police said.

Employees asked her to leave and not return, but at 11:30 p.m. the woman was found a sleep in a shipping container in the "employees only" receiving dock area, troopers said. Three empty beer cans were scattered on the floor nearby, troopers said.

McGovern was again kicked out of the store but the next day came she returned and allegedly placed 24 oz. Yuengling beer in her pocket. Employees called police but State Police said McGovern went into the bathroom and drank the beer before troopers arrived."


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