Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fart Collectors For Cows: One Cow Produces Enough Gas A Day To Power A Car For 24 Hours

(Behold the future - COW POWER!)

"Researchers put plastic backpacks on cows, then inserted tubes into their rumens (their biggest digestive tract). They extracted the methane--about 300 liters a day. That's enough to run a car, or a fridge for 24 hours.

 "[We] believe that such technology could be used to collect methane on larger scale, and even imagine a future farm with a couple of these cows used to provide energy to satisfy the farm’s needs," Sorondo says."


  1. We read the Gov. report on methane gas emissions from cows...

  2. I knew that one of the Followers of the "Crypt was missing... your "icon" is no longer there my Friend...???

  3. Freaking Blogger. At least you are showing up in my feed. I wonder if I should re-subscribe?

  4. You could just rejoin the "Crypt" under "Followers"....

  5. I'll probably have to unsubscribe and then re-subscribe. We'll see how that goes..

  6. It keep not wanting to use my Blogger account for anything, just my generic Google one. Asshats. :(

  7. I had to tell it to use my Blogger account over at your place and I tested one other and had to do it as well. Then I tried to comment and it was making me sign in for Google account! :(:(:(
