Monday, April 7, 2014

Gigantic One Ton Crocodile Eats Four People

"You gonna get ate!"

"A monstrous, man-eating crocodile that tips the scales at 2,204 pounds has been captured in Kakira, a sub-county in Uganda. 

The one-ton beast, which is believed to be just 103 lbs. lighter than the former world’s biggest crocodile, supposedly ate four people in Jinja and Mayuge districts near Lake Victoria.

A Uganda Wildlife Authority officer told The New Vision the agency believes that the reptile is about 80 years old.

 It took UWA officials four days to hunt down the massive creature.

“Residents appealed to UWA to hunt the crocodile following the death of a resident from Kakira town council in Jinja district,” said UWA official Sulani Tumanya."

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