Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Grandpa Calls The Cops On His Lazy Grandson

"Deputies went to the home of a 72-year-old man April 26 who said that his 17-year-old grandson is being lazy.

According to a Lorain County Sheriff’s Office report, deputies were dispatched at 10:38 a.m. to a home on Quarry Road for a domestic dispute.

The man told police that his grandson, whom he has custody of, is lazy and “does nothing around the home.” He also said that he asked his grandson to do work around the house, but he continued to play on the computer. The man said he then cut the Internet cable cord because he was not listening.

According to the report, the man’s grandson became very angry and punched a hole in the kitchen wall, started calling grandfather names and walked out of the house and into the woods."



  1. You still did not show up in followers...
    Google makes me sign-in again too often as well... Hang in there my Friend.... We hope that you have a great day as well

  2. Whatever you did worked... You are back in the list again...
    Google can be a bit of a problem sometimes....

  3. That little "link" in your "profile" that pulls up is how I normally go to your page...

  4. Yeah, that's what I like to do as well. I'm glad it worked. Google is getting shitty about this "one account for all of Google" crap.

  5. yes... we normally get "Blogger Buzz" whenever we try for "Reading List"...
