Thursday, April 17, 2014

Protip! Don't Lick A Cop's Eyeball

34-year-old Christopher Nicholas Hiatt has been accused of licking a cop in the eye while the officer was attempting to arrest him. The utterly bizarre ordeal went down after Hiatt dialed 911 to report a theft.

Once cops arrived at the scene, outside a local tavern, they spoke to Hiatt and discovered he had a warrant out for his arrest, which was issued from a neighboring county.

The responding officers attempted to cuff him but Hiatt wasn't surrendering peacefully. The cops eventually got him secured and tried to place him in the back of a squad car.

That was when Hiatt reportedly expressed his displeasure with the arrest by licking the cop's eye. The outstanding warrant that started all the trouble pertains to a criminal contempt charge.

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