Monday, April 21, 2014

Woman Caught In Hail Storm Gets Buried Under Hail

"El Paso water rescue crews found a woman buried beneath several feet of hail in a Northeast El Paso arroyo Saturday afternoon.

The emergency call reported four people were trapped in the arroyo following the storm, a fire department spokesman said.

The spokesman tells ABC-7 three of the people managed to get out of the arroyo but one woman did not.

Rescuers searched for nearly an hour, stabbing poles into the accumulation of hail, looking for the missing woman.

ABC-7’s Alec Schreck was there when the rescuers’ poles hit an object buried in the hail, then pulled the woman from beneath the frozen pebbles.

Video captured only by ABC-7 shows rescuers performing CPR on the woman once she was pulled onto dry land."

Watch the video HERE


  1. That picture is in Santa Rosa New Mexico not El Paso and that happened July 2013.... Yes it was all hail not snow.

  2. Yes. I couldn't find a decent deep hail photo but was to hurried to get a screen capture from the video, so I used that one - good catch!
