Friday, May 23, 2014

Cat Beat Up And Thrown In Dumpster For Looking Like Adolf Hitler

(Baz did lose an eye)

“A lot of people say he looks like Hitler, but he is so timid and gentle. I put a photo on Facebook of Baz as he has a distinctive black mark under his nose, and asked if anyone saw him to contact me."

“I took a call at work from the vet to say he had been found in a bin, but was in a bad way. He had been there for a while. She took him straight to the vet for treatment. It is shocking someone would do something like that.”

Baz was taken for emergency treatment at Pets at Home in Bristol Road and underwent an operation on Wednesday.

Kirsty may be facing a £600 veterinary bill, but vets insist he is lucky to be alive. Gloucestershire police are now investigating the incident and appealing for witnesses to come forward.


And here is the story about the massive public support due to this story going viral! <3

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