Friday, May 30, 2014

Dog Poop Forces Emergency Landing Of US Airways Flight

(Luckily They Are Well Versed In Emergency Landings)

"US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia was forced to make an emergency landing in Kansas City after a service dog started pooping in the aisle and the flight crew was unable to contain the mess.

The passengers aboard US Airways Flight 598 could only sit back and watch while a big dog defecated in the aisle not once, but twice.

After the dog went to the bathroom for the first time about an hour into the flight, the crew did their best to deal with the mess but they were unable to contain the smell.

"An hour later, it still smelled bad, and after they cleaned it all up, it pooped again," Passenger Steve McCall told INSIDE EDITION. "A couple of people started dry-heaving, a couple of people were throwing up."

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