Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dogs Are Licking Poisonous Toads To Get High

"Queensland dogs are getting high by licking the poison off cane toads.

Vets are warning some pooches may become addicted to the hallucinogenic and are risking their lives trying to get their next toad fix.

It's being reported the dogs have worked out how to lick the toad just enough to get high.

"This phenomenon of animals deliberately getting intoxicated by cane toads, it's fascinating," says veterinarian Megan Pickering. "It just seems unbelievable that an animal will go back for a second try.

"But nevertheless we do have many documented cases of patients who deliberately - on a regular basis - will seek out a toad and they seem to be able to lick the toad in such a way that they seem to get a very small dose."

Ms Pickering claims the dogs become addicts, putting their lives at serious risk. 

One dog was recently found frothing and trembling.

Read more:


  1. There are Tree frogs a few miles south of here with "hallucinogenic" Toxins....
    reminds us of a short tune that we heard in Virginia many years past...
    "Look at those Toad Lickers ain't they snappy... licking on those toady frogs sure makes them happy"....
    Still stuck in my mind after all these years...

  2. Since childhood we have learned and collected "Toxins" from my area...

  3. Hahaha! Family Guy did a song about licking toads as well, I'll try to find it for you...

    Funny stuff. :)
