Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Drunk Woman Looking For ATM Finds BNSF Instead

"Maria Segura needed some cash on Monday morning.

So, she got behind the wheel of her 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier and began searching for an ATM, only to take a left turn onto the Burlington Northern railroad tracks at Harlem Avenue in Riverside.

The fact that police said her blood-alcohol level was 2.5 times the legal limit might explain why she ended up stuck on the tracks around 4 a.m., forcing the railroad to halt operations until the car could be moved.

A Riverside police officer saw the whole incident, which is fortunate for Segura because he was able to quickly alert the 911 dispatcher to halt trains on that line.

Segura, 26, told police she was looking for an ATM and made a wrong turn."

Read it all HERE

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