Friday, June 20, 2014

Box Painted Like Futurama's Bender Delays Metro 3 Hours

"Bite my shiny metal clock hands!"

"The scare started at around 5:30 a.m. this morning when, according to the Connecticut Post, a street-sweeper noticed a "box with a smiling face with clock hands" on an overpass near the Fairfield 
Metro-North station. He contacted the local police, who agreed that the item was "suspicious," and a bomb squad was dispatched to investigate. But even the most casual Futurama fan could have told the authorities to worry less about the item exploding, and more about the possibility of it suddenly coming to life and bending the tracks in half
.It took until 7:30 a.m. for the experts to show up and determine that the Bender-esque box was empty. Its owner was later identified as a student at nearby Tomlinson Middle School, who had left his creation outside with the intention of coming back for it later."

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