Friday, June 6, 2014

George Martin Will Kill You For $20,000.00 - Even Though He Kills Everyone Else For Free

From the donation site $20,000.00 level:

 "At this level, you'll get the incredibly exclusive opportunity to have George name a character after you in a future A Song of Ice and Fire novel. There is one male character and one female character available. You can choose your character's station in the world (lordling, knight, peasant, whore, lady, maester, septon, anything) and you will certainly meet a grisly death!"

Turns out he's a real wolf lover!  Here is his letter he posted:

"Hi everyone,

It's George R.R. Martin, and I'm here to raise money for the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and The Food Depot of Santa Fe.

If you make a small donation to my campaign, you will automatically be entered to win an incredible experience. You and a friend will be flown out (from wherever you are in the world) to meet me in Santa Fé, where we'll share a helicopter ride to the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary.

In addition to touring the Sanctuary together, we'll also have plenty of time to discuss the show, A Song of Ice and Fire, direwolves - and if there's anything you have ever wanted to ask me, here's your chance! 

Thank you for supporting my campaign. I look forward to meeting one of you!

- George R.R. Martin"

Visit the charity campaign site HERE 

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