Sunday, June 8, 2014

Male Guinea Pig Breaks Into Female Enclosure, Gets 100 Pregnant!


"Staff at Hatton Country World in Warwickshire couldn't understand why they suddenly had 100 pregnant guinea pigs on their hands - until they released one of the male rodents had managed to escape his enclosure and infiltrate the female-only enclosure.

They noticed that the exhausted father-to-be, now nicknamed Randy, had lost a little weight, but did not realise why until they discovered he was actually a male rodent being kept busy in the wrong pen.

 "We don't know how long Randy was in the female enclosure but it could have been several weeks which would have given him time to go round the entire female population.

"Staff did comment he looked a little thinner than before. He has now re-joined his male friends, clearly he's got a lot of bragging to do."

Read more about randy Randy HERE

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