Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Man Steals $350,000.00 Of Human Skin

Maybe He Had A Human Skin Shoe Hobby?

"Gary Dudek, 54, is accused of stealing sheets of lab-grown skin intended for use in skin-graft surgeries from Mercy Philadelphia Hospital between November 2011 and July 2013, a local police spokeswoman said.

The hospital said in a statement that it called the police after an audit revealed "illegal or improper behavior" from a vendor supplying the skin, which is artificially grown in a laboratory out of human skin cells.

Eugene Tinari, Dudek's lawyer, said his client had done "nothing that amounts to criminality." He called the charges draconian and said they were better dealt with in a civil rather than criminal case.
"There's a fine line between misplacing, and errors, and stealing," he said. "What would he want skin grafts for?" Tinari declined to go into further detail. 

Dudek worked as a sales representative specializing in tissue regeneration for Organogenesis, a Massachusetts-based biotech firm that engineers skin tissue for use in grafting."

Read more over at YAHOO NEWS

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